Electrostatic PIC MC 1D3V code used for plasma edge study
BIT1 is an electrostatic Particle-in Cell (PIC) code optimized for plasma edge modelling and incorporating nonlinear plasma, neutral and impurity interactions via Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) collision operators. Collision operators represent energy and momentum conserving binary collision models, simulating practically all possible elastic and inelastic collisions important for fusion-relevant plasma edge. Plasma-wall interactions (PWI) are modelled via energy and angular dependent particle sputtering models. Number of particle species is limited by available atomic and PWI data. At present more than thousand of atomic and PWI processes are implemented. Simulation geometry corresponds either to a plasma bounded by two walls (divertor plates), e.g. 1D SOL, or semi-bounded plasma used for plasma sheath modelling. The same is applied for BIT2 and BIT3 codes, representing 2D and 3D generalizations of the BIT1 code.
BIT1 does not contain special libraries and can be easily installed in different HPC architectures. Typically, installation is reduced to applying the proper compiler specified in “makefile”.
BIT1, BIT2 and BIT3 manuals are given here (1), here (2) and here (3), respectively (access required). The command line to run code: (call for BIT1 execution - machine dependent) (input file) (dmp file); (the latter only if run re-starts from given saved state)
Please contact David Tskhakaya (
Next releases are related to implementation of so-called dressed collision cross sections (capability to incorporate millions and atomic transition channels) and exascale version of the code.
Constructive comments, suggestions and participation in further development of the code are very welcome.
Authors and acknowledgment
BIT1 was based on XPDP1 code from the University of Berkeley. The main developer D. Tskhakaya. Main references to the code [1, 2], parallelization methods used [3], description of atomic model [2, 4], plasma-surface interaction model [5].
[1] D. Tskhakaya and R. Schneider, J. of Comp. Phys., 225 (2007) 829, DOI: 10.1002/ctpp.200810026 .
[2] D. Tskhakaya, et al., Contrib. Plasma Phys., 47 (2007) 563, DOI: 10.1002/ctpp.200710072 .
[3] D. Tskhakaya, et al., PIC/MC code BIT1 for plasma simulations on HPC, proceedings of 18-th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, Pisa Italy 2010, 476-481. IEEE, Computer Society, DOI: 10.1109/PDP.2010.47
[4] D. Tskhakaya, et al., Contrib. Plasma Phys., 48 (2008) 121, DOI: 10.1002/ctpp.200810021 .
[5] D. Tskhakaya, et al., J. Nucl. Mater., 415 (2011) S860, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.10.090.
• The BIT1 code can only be distributed to individual users by the BIT1 developer team, represented by David Tskhakaya (;
• BIT1 code, its parts or modified versions cannot be distributed to third parties without prior agreement with the BIT1 developer team.
• BIT1 developer team provides BIT1 code without warranty of any type.
Any publication containing results of BIT1 code modelling should include code name “BIT1” and key publications describing it provided by the BIT1 developer team.
Modifications of BIT1
Individual users of the BIT1 code may modify the source code provided that all deviations from the original version are pointed in the resulting publications. Users are encouraged to inform BIT1 developer team on modifications of the BIT1 code.