gitflow-hotfix-stash: read_h5py
I don't know why, but the code doesn't work without applying .value
to h5py Datasets. Without slicing it works even without .value
@grover If you have no comment please merge ASAP.
Tested on soroban
kripner@soroban-front-01:~/Projects/equilibrium_module$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) python/3.5-anaconda 5) idl/8.3 9) idl-lib/dev 13) mdsplus-python/7-1-13/3.5-anaconda
2) /sw/matlab/common_module 6) idam/1.6.1 10) matlab-lib/dev 14) compass/dev-next
3) matlab/2017a 7) jython/2.7beta1 11) python-lib/dev 15) intelstudio/16
4) matlab-python-engine/2017a/3.5-anaconda 8) pycdb/0.5-dev 12) mdsplus/7-1-13